Monday 3 March 2008

Reflecting on reflections!

This week's assignment is reflections. Here are some of my photos taken today. Thsi first one is a reflection in a mirror in my bedroom. The mirror is one of those with a 'mirror' frame.

Reflection in the wing of my mirror on my dressing table.

What is so interesting is that to get the reflection in focus means that the actual mirror is way out of focus. Thus, the plane of the reflection is very different to that of the surface that it is in! Weird!

These two bottles stand on my dressing table. Not only are they reflecting in the surface of the dressing table, but I am reflected in the little blue bottle - twice in fact.

It was a superb morning for reflections in car windows this morning, I saw loads of great reflections on my dog walk - but I didn't have the nerve to take a picture of someone elses car!LOL So here's my house reflected in my car!

I did taek some others of me taking the picture which are quite good too.

All these photos are taken fully manual. I am getting used to it, and enjoying thinking more about the taking of the photo.

1 comment:

Judith Hunt said...

wow great work linda love all the photos. need to clean all my windows and car as they are a bit dusty hehehe. fab photos, and i love the jars.