Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Garden Photography

Yesterday we went on a photography course at Nyman’s Gardens, a National Trust property about 45 minutes drive away.  Our tutor was David Dixon, a National Trust photographer, and fungi enthusiast.  The day was misty and gloomy, which we didn’t think boded well for photography, but it turns out that the weather was perfect for the type of close up garden photography we were going to do.  We were instructed to bring along tripods.  Now I don’t use my tripod very much and never know which knob to turn to change which angle!  I also have trouble getting my camera level.  Maurice had Dad’s old tripod, which David suggested he should throw away when we got home!  It was very flimsy and did look like it might blow over in a breath of wind.  (Christmas present ideas, new tripod and spirit level!)

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After a little talk and a slide show (do look at David’s website, especially his fungi photos) we went out into the garden to find fungi.  I know very little about fungi, but the spot we found had 4 or 5 different species all growing under one tree.  With our cameras attached to tripods, we were able to shoot at f8/f16 despite the gloomy conditions.  David urged us to take our time over each shot, better to have 20 or 30 good shots than 100s of ‘average’ snaps (tell me about it David!)  We all enjoyed getting down low to really look at these fungi, and notice the colours, texture and shapes. 

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I am quite pleased with these 3 taken of the lime walk:

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Next we all clustered round this yellow maple tree.  Love the contrast between the leaves and the trunks.

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David was very keen to show us this little Star fungus, which is quite rare.  He couldn’t wait for us to go so he could sneak back and photograph it himself! 

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Monday, 8 October 2012

Storytelling Sunday–Dressing up

A day late, but here’s my story for Sian’s Storytelling Sunday.

Sian’s theme for October bearing in mind it is Hallowe’en at the end of the month, is ‘dressing up’.  I am afraid we are not really into dressing up in our house, unless you count DD in her short dresses and enormously high heels for a Saturday night’s clubbingSmile!  But we do dress up at our crop once a year!  Each year, as Christmas approaches we all dress up in red and green, take a group photo, and then we scrap it at our December crop.  We love our December crop, we have Christmas music, party nibbles, then we go back to Janet’s house for party games and a takeaway Chinese!

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This year there are less of us, and we decided to dress up in blue and silver.  Looking good eh?  Can’t wait until December nowSmile

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Back row, Me, Janet, Muriel   Front row, Sue, Sara, Lorna